Author Archives: Risa

About Risa

I love to read Otomes. I prefer the more S/M type stories, pushy bossy alpha males and I even enjoy some that many have called to be banned because the story offends them but I feel if it offends them they can simply not look at it. I always end up loving the ones people hate most. Here I will review and at times post walkthroughs that will lead to various endings. And sometimes my thoughts. I don't sugarcoat things and often what I say might offend the easily offended or triggered. I apologize in advance but that part of me will not change. I will always post my unedited thoughts here.

A conversation about the age of consent.

Hmm, lately there has been talk on what age a woman should be allowed to consent to give her body to another person. These are my thoughts on it.
Firstly, these proposed ages of consent I have seen the last few days are really intrusive to a woman’s body. I have seen someone say 25 and nearly spit my coffee out. How ridiculous.

All I have to say is by 17 I was living an adult life, paying adult bills, and paying adult taxes so my thoughts are this: My body My choice, mind ya own. I loved my older lover and he was absolutely more mature than the immature men my age around me. And treated me like a queen. Not like his free pass through life like the men my age did.
Because when I dated and even married men my age I was abused, cheated, used financially… That was more than enough to tell me guys my age were trash. I’ll take a silver-haired king over trash any day.
And I’d appreciate not being made to feel less than or like I’m just nasty by modern female society for choosing such.

They have their preferences and we, the polar opposite of modern female society, have ours.